Friday, July 24, 2015

From Anger to Anxiety

Cleanse day 7.

Physically I'm feeling much better. Lighter, cleaner, less compulsive.  Hungry, but in a good way. Emotionally things are a little shakier. Yesterday I was in a combative mood.  Today I'm feeling that layer of anxiety beneath the anger.

I feel it in my gut. Or do I. When I try to locate the anxiety in my gut, I actually encounter this kind of numb void. Like there's a black hole and the anxiety I experience manifests like shooting stars through my body. That metallic taste of terror in my mouth.

By the time I've actually found the anxiety deep in my belly, my energy has already started aligning itself though my heart, my breath is already starting to flow in to relieve.

Is this how anxiety is my friend?  That if I were really to find and listen and understand my anxiety as simply awareness. As awareness it ultimately leads me to the exact spot where pure awareness is rooted.

What if the very thing I don't want to feel and be with is really the straightest path to liberation?