Sunday, March 24, 2019

Cleanse again

It's been two years since I did a cleanse.  Two years! 

So, yes, I'm worried about how it's going to start. Reading over my previous journals, I have a few ideas for how to minimize the muscle tension and pain of the first few days.

First, watch out for overloading on fibre.  I'm really going to make greens the foundation of my diet this time.  Lemon, garlic, green onions, cucumbers.  Be careful with the apples. No beans until I'm over the hump day.  I'll get my protein from nuts and nut butter.

I'm going to drink a ton of water, and eat a lot of miso soup.  And I'm going to try and be okay with hunger for while.  I haven't done a cleanse, but I did eat that light vegetarian diet during Vipassana, so I'm not that riddled with toxins.

I hope.

I think I'll also do a lot of standing and walking to get the circulation going.