Monday, May 30, 2016

Sleep Retreat--Day 18

Almost three weeks into my sleep reatreat, and I'm feeling better.  I fall asleep more easily. I'm starting to sense the mechanics of "sleep meditation."  I make my goal to stay awake while I'm asleep, and soon enough I'm noticing when my brain starts to drift off to sleep. My only external aid now is a sleep mask and my white noise machine.

I wake up in the middle of the night, and I continue to try and stay awake, resting in the lucid calm after effects of a good first slow wave sleep. Sometimes I stay awake enough to get out of bed and meditate. Sometimes I'm so awake I end up watching Netflix.  But eventually I fall back asleep and dream. My dreams are more vivid and I remember them better. But no lucid dreaming yet.

During the day I feel clearer and more energetic.  More present in my activities. More connected to the "thinking substance" of life.

Every day I am feeling more ready to bring all this meditative energy into my daily activities. My goal, to be more present in everything I do.