Saturday, April 6, 2019

Deep Work

I'm feeling better now as I finish the second week of my cleanse and the last week of my digital de-clutter. 

I've started processing a lot of the agitation that I've been using food and streaming to avoid. I feel like I have more clarity at work.  Sometimes that means that I'm able to see that I like people, and they like me more than I think.  Sometimes that means I'm better able to see where my ego is sabotaging things.  I feel like I'm starting to re-discover the pleasures of deep work. 

So the plan now is to limit my digital activities to books and podcasts.  No streaming for at least a few weeks. I will do one more week of dietary cleanse and try to retain the habit of healthy breakfast and lunch.  Then the next big project will be cleaning my home. The hope is that in a body and environment that supports focus,  I will be able to make better decisions with how I use my evening time.

I'm reading Cal Newport's book on deep work.  I want to find better ways to guard my mind from shallow distraction.