Monday, January 15, 2018

Reconnecting with my mission

It's January, so a good time to re-visit my mission and put it somewhere where I can make it part of my daily planning.

My mission is to cultivate emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical and financial wellbeing every day--for myself, for the people around me, and for the world I live in.

I do this first and foremost by grounding myself in awareness and  recognizing and appreciating the basic goodness that exists in myself and everyone. 

My first responsibility is towards nurturing and maintaining the joyful wisdom that emanates from simply being.  In bringing this energy into the world I am best equipped to help liberate myself and others from useless suffering.  I work to stay aware of and spread the fruits of absolute well-being. 

My second responsibility is towards my son and supporting him in whatever way I can to cultivate his own well-being. 

My final responsibility is my friends and colleagues, the country and the society that I have been born into.