Sunday, January 21, 2018

Giving Monkey Mind a Break

I'm going back to fundamentals in my meditation practice by redoing Tergar's Joy of Living 1.

Since starting, I've had a number of insights, but this morning I am excited about this one. That when I meditate I am simply giving the monkey mind a break.

 Most of the day, despite so many years of meditating my jumpy problem solving, problem creating mind is still in control.  When I meditate, I relax, much in the same way I relax after a job, or a challenging task.  Monkey mind is exercising hard all day, meditation whether formal or informal at its simplest, and most effective level is a way of saying, okay Monkey here's a nice spot on the grass, for the next ten, twenty, thirty minutes, lets be a little more like lions and just hang out, feeling as we are, safe enough.