Sunday, May 24, 2020


This week I discovered a new practice that has changed everything.

It's called the "three words that strike the vital point." I learned it Mind Beyond Death by Dzogchen Dolop. The objective of this practice is to unite us immediately and permanently with the primordial state of consciousness.

It's quite simple, but extremely effective and it works for me.  In a nutshell the process is

  1.  recognize that there is a primordial state beyond all concepts and be with it.
  2. Decide to let this state be the one thing, transcending the usual neurological categories of unpleasant/pleasant, low and high arousal. 
  3. Be confident that this state is self-liberating, that resting in pure, primordial awareness will liberate us naturally. 

The meditations that I've done in this state of been effortless, deeply peaceful, and timeless. I know there are still concepts arising. But I know that beneath these concepts is a pure vast, eternal boundless and uniting consciousness. From time to time the self disappears into it. Right now I'm still in the self, but feeling a lot of tingly kalapas that tell me my body rooted concepts are dissolving. 

It's exciting, but of course the excitement won't last. And that's a good thing. When pure consciousness becomes ordinary consciousness, I am home.