Sunday, May 10, 2020

Awakened Awareness

I'm not sure why it's taken me this long to simply give myself permission to rest in awakened awareness and just be what happens.

I guess I needed a book like Beyond Mindfulness by Stephan Bodian.   He is an advocate for the direct approach, making awareness the object of awareness, and relaxing into absolute well-being, over relentless scanning.

I've had this book for a while in my virtual library, and I even started reading it a few months back. But for whatever reason it didn't take.  I suppose I still felt a certain loyalty to the Goenka method. After all I had made it something of a new year's resolution to follow it religiously. 

This concept of locality changed that a little.  And thinking about Mingyur Rinpoche's description of happiness as Absolute well-being. After spending a week just being in the energy of my gut, I felt inspired to explore the vast field of consciousness anchored by this lucid anchored energy at my core.

Also, I'm tired of constantly trying to get somewhere. Tired of travelling.  The Adventure has now become one of finding my way back home.