Sunday, April 5, 2020

Chocolate current

Apparently twenty per cent of the population is born happy.  They have a genetic pre-disposition that supplies more anandamide, a well-being transmitter, to the brain that the average human. A woman in Scotland had such an overload of anandamide that she couldn't feel anxiety, pain, fear,  had a tendency to get hurt, but her wounds healed much more quickly than most people.

Chocolate is apparently a trigger of anandamide. One study found that dark chocolate had potential as a natural anti-depressant. When I found this out I experimented with a meditation I was calling chocolate intravenous, imagining that I had just the right amount of chocolate in my veins, not so much that I felt sick but enough to sustain a stable feeling of enjoyment.

Knowing that enjoyment is something that can be sustained seems to be juicing my transformation. I've been thinking back to Echhart Tolle's assertion that on the New Earth we will live in three modes of being, acceptance, enjoyment and enthusiasm.  Enjoyment will replace want. I'm experimenting with this idea as I continue with the rest of the world in COVID 19 lockdown.

I don't think the economy will ever be the same again, because we will find it harder to accept the myth that ultimate happiness is found in stuff, intimate relationships, and careers. It's not that these things don't bring happiness, but none of them last.  The only thing that lasts is awareness. And even that only last for the duration of a life, which will never seem very long at the end.

Doing what we can to contribute to collective awareness, so that this truth will carry on after we are gone. That's all this is about.