Sunday, December 29, 2019

Fast--Day 4

After x-mas I started a 5 day fast. 

On day 4, and I feel great. A little hungry, but not ravenous.  It's interesting how I feel so much better fasting than I ever did doing cleanses.

Worth noting that my meditation is much deeper and more intense. Could be because of the increase in serotonin.

Went for a walk and noticed that when I start having fantasy arguments my brain is probably trying to find some cortisol to get at some blood sugar.  Becoming aware of that, I was able to shift my attention to my breath, my body, my tan tien, and gradually shift out of this habit. 

But also being forced to face why I'm overeating.  The craving at night is emotional now, not hormonal. I feel that emptiness. But better to feel it than try and fill it with food. 

I wonder what the effect of lowering my insulin will be on my general impulsivity.