Thursday, January 3, 2019

The Force

Wonderful meditation this morning.

Yesterday I watched a video that reminded me of that six second time lag we have between when our brain makes a decision and we become conscious of the decision. It's hard to wrap our heads around the fact that we might not have free will.  And especially the idea that if we don't, why would this decision making energy make some of the poor decisions that it does?

But another way of looking at it is that we make some of the bigger decisions, based on reflection on previous decisions,  and our brain then makes the smaller ones.  One big decision we can make is to turn out lives over to the management of the energy that makes better decisions. This force field that created this magnificent world.

Combining some of the golden ball tai chi I'm recovering and the body scanning I've been doing in Vipassana,  I found myself this morning really being in a bigger, better energy. Really feeling what it would be like to let it manage me, and thus impact the lives of the people who depend on me.

For a good long while I felt this energy flip me around and take control.

May I continue today to be with this force.