Sunday, January 10, 2016


"May we be free of hunger and discord,
 And have joy and a world at peace."

This is a line from the aspiration I always start my meditation with.

Last year I became conscious of the amount of discord in my life. This year I'm going to focus on the hunger.

Not so much physical hunger because I rarely let myself get hungry. But the many other kinds of hunger in my life that keep me in a perpetual state of lack. Or so it feels sometimes. Trying to avoid feeling this hunger doesn't work. Just rewards it and makes it deeper and more entrenched. Denying it is why I'm so afraid of emptiness. Because in the emptiness of meditation I see and feel it.

Or so it seems.  To paraphrase Tsoknyi Rinpoche. the feeling is real, but is it true? Am I in a state of actual need? Or is this feeling just the result of the constant narrative in my head that keeps me there?

This week I will just be with this hunger, and do Rinpoche's essence love meditation. Sink deep, deep into my gut where the hunger seems to live and see how love responds.