Sunday, June 14, 2015

Beyond Concept

A straight spine tells the mind, and the world that we are alert. Relaxed muscles, focussed eyes, solid base, I sit and within minutes I feel pure awareness begin to uncurl in me.

The challenge now is to just let it be, let it change, let it change me. The challenge now is to stop throughout the day, check my spine, my focus, my muscles and remember to stay alert and relaxed. Like waking up in a dream.

Last year during my JOYL3 course, it was recommended that we find a default practice that we go to when we notice we're suffering. For some people it's the mirror practice, where we pretend to stare in the mirror. For others  I don't really have one.  Or if I do I'm not aware of it. But maybe it's this, straight spine, relaxed muscles, alert, but open.

Last week I dove deep into shame and the buried feedback loop.  I think I made some progress in forgiving myself and others.  But this week I keep it simple.  Just be alert and open. And see what happens.