Sunday, March 29, 2015

Resting in flow

The flow is getting a little stronger, pings in my navel, my neck, lower back.  All signs that I'm re-connecting with my natural vitality. In this morning's meditation I spent some time just resting in the growing warm wetness of my navel area.
  In the Tergar program there isn't any specific guidance on this, but I can still apply the method.  In the same way I rest bare awareness on thoughts, feelings, body sensations, I can simply rest on this warmth.  In the same way that sound and awareness of sound can become one.  This flow and the awareness of the flow can become one.
 That said, I don't want to overdo it.  I've lost this connection to flow so many times, and I wonder if part of the problem is that I plunge in too far and too fast.  Feel the pings, rest in them. But also don't be afraid to let go and rest in open awareness.  Alternating between this and grounded open awareness will do more to stabilize this than getting lost in some blissful state of altered consciousness.
 Navel gazing.  That's always been a label of shame in the western world.  The dangers of getting caught up in flow is not something to be ashamed of. But it is something to be aware of.