Sunday, August 18, 2013


I feel vulnerable writing about love.But I'm learning this week that it's that very vulnerability that is our greatest source of power.

Pema Chodron writes about locating that tender spot and using it as a crack to let the energy of bhodicitta enter. Earlier this week I listened to a talk by Edward Kelley on Tergar. When he asked Mingyur Rinpoche how it is his life seems to unfold so effortlessly, Rinpoche said "motivation." I know that the happiness of all beings is his point of motivation.

If I use this point of vulnerability as my motivation, and turn it into an omnipresent desire to build happiness for myself and everyone, then perhaps my life will unfold with more ease.

It all seems so simple, but we spend most of our lives running away from that vulnerable point.The trick is to find a way to lock in to the fear, loneliness and alienation in a way that the lovingkindness becomes second nature. Becomes something that our brain produces without thought.

I will approach this slowly, like open awareness. Rest in lovingkindness for moments throughout the day.

This is a good day to start this practice. My son's thirteenth birthday. My desire for him to be happy is already naturally strong.

May this be the foundation for both our happy lives.