Thursday, November 12, 2015


I'm on day 4 of another cleanse.  This one is much easier since it's only been three months since the last one. I feel a little achey this morning, but nothing like the agony I usually find myself in.

I started the cleanse because I felt myself returning to old compulsions, deep cravings for chocolate bars, soft drinks and binge eating. The weight is creeping up again and it's not just the weight I'm concerned about, it's the emotional well being beneath it. I need to get this book deal and I'm not going if my mind is dull.

Still, it's hard. In some ways harder because I don't have the physical pain to distract me from the emotional pain that surfaces when I go on a cleanse. If I don't unpack these emotions though, I'm going to find myself back here again and again.

So I set my intention. To continue unhooking from these food and emotional compulsions. To continue the process of purification. To continue making this strong, clean energy a permanent part of the life I have left. To continue to pray that it will have an impact on other lives.