Monday, May 25, 2015

Non-meditation meditation

Having a month of intensive retreats as I get ready for summer.

Since the silent retreat I've been trying to meditate an hour before sleep and an hour on waking. When I get this intense I easily forget the most important teaching.  The one that brought me to Tergar in the first place. The importance of non-meditation.

The skill of simply resting in open awareness becomes the skill of simply resting in pure awareness. Being able to just be beyond concept, knowing that this pure awareness is capable of creating its own insight without my efforts. This is as Mingyur Rinpoche says "the best meditation."

That effortlessness is then something that I can bring in to everything that I do, running, cleaning, eating.  All the things that I want to be able to be present in.

All I need to do is become conscious when monkey mind is taking over. And then rest in monkey mind even. Because monkey mind is the best object of meditation.