Sunday, April 27, 2014


I'm not sure exactly how I became more focussed on the energy in my heart this month, but that's where I am.  A combination of things I supposed.  Finishing Tergar's Joy of Living 2: opening the heart.  I actually, physically feel my heart more open. The calm energy that I used to feel more often in my head is now more solidly in my heart area.
  I've also been falling asleep to several lovingkindness guided meditations. So I'm more conscious of the energy and power of love.
  I remember in Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love her Indonesian teacher's life teaching, to see from the heart.
  In our science driven world we try not to see from the heart.  We try to look clearly at the facts. But as Mingyur Rinpoche says in The Joy of Living, compassion is a kind of technology. The mind is a tool, and the heart helps us to bind to people, to right practices, to nurturing values.
  I used to think that wisdom was something that would always change as we gained more experience.  In some ways I'm sure it does.  But there us something permanent about wisdom.  It's a conceptual understanding of something that has been drawn from experience.  And once you get that conceptual understanding, that doesn't change.
  I am as healthy, psychically, as the vitality in my heart.  My body may get sick and old, but my psyche can stay strong and vital as long as I tend this connecting energy, and tend the points in my body that connect me to this vitality. The heart is an amazing gateway.
  But it's more than a gateway.  It's a home.