Sunday, October 21, 2012


How do we balance standing still with the will to change? This is the paradox at the root of Zhan Zhuang.

Probably the greatest stumbling block in Zhan Zhuang is the belief that being still can't bring about change, betterment. It's counterintuitive.

In fact I associate the most profound changes in my life, my character, my ability with this practice.

The next stumbling block is my expectation that somehow it's going to get easier.  In some ways it does. In other ways every level simply bring on new challenges.

How I'm getting through things these days is with the act of choosing. To get through the middle of life, of projects, of challenges, thing need to be re-chosen. We need sometimes to choose the path we've been on again, just to re-assure ourselves that this is indeed a choice, not something that's been inflicted on us.