Friday, March 15, 2013


I'm on day 11 of this cleanse.  Today I had a good stand.  Better than yesterday.  It was interesting that I started in first position and then almost right away I felt that energy in my right arm. I decided to just go with it.  Be aware of the energy and follow the path.  Over the course of an hour it started to build in my Tan Tien. I felt a warmth up my spine.

But I'm still feeling a little anemic.  This may have something to do with the heavy bleeding.  So I'll see if I can find any good solutions in vegetarian diets for that.

My sense as I was standing though, is that there was some stuff being cleaned out. Some really old body memories along with the other toxins.  Maybe the fatigue is part of that.

In general after this stand, I feel a certain lightness.  Maybe it's lightheadness.  Maybe it's even hunger.  Maybe my body is shutting down in starvation mode.  I'm not sure.  But I'm going to be patient and see what happens.