Day 16 of the cleanse. Today I found a way to combine open awareness with my regular standing mediation. I make the chi part of the openness. I don't try to direct it, I just notice it. Almost immediately this morning I felt the energy in the right side of my body. I felt, and still feel the pleasant tingling in my tummy and up my spine. It's not so much that it felt more solid as it felt more sustainable.
I know this has much to do with the change in my diet. I'm remembering more and more how it felt that year when everything seemed to fall into place back in my late twenties. Having developed the habit of rice, beans and dark brown bread, I had virtually no food cravings. I felt tremendous energy. I felt healthy, and I felt it was easy to stay healthy. It was no effort at all.
I'm going to get back to that state. Even after the cleanse I'm going to keep to a whole food diet, with very few cookies and white flour treats. I'm going to try and gradually get Ben to that. But the main thing is to keep myself to that diet. And to keep up my meditation and my relationship with this healthy energy.
And also to find a way to use my financial stress as a support for my practice. I read today than we we are in periods of exceptional stress our decisions are over optimistic. I need to get myself to a level of average stress, where I'm able to make wise decisions.
Above all I need to know that there is wisdom in me, and that I can count on it.