Monday, April 13, 2015


I heard someone on Oprah once say that the state of one's home is a reflection of the state of one's soul. Actually she said it was the state of a woman's home reflected her soul, which may have something to do with why I reacted so strongly against it. I'm very housework challenged, so it felt like a judgement and a slap in the face. Would she get away with saying that about a woman's body. So why does it seem okay to judge someone by the state of their home?

Disagreement aside, I did notice that after my two day retreat in October, I did suddenly start to develop a cleaning competence I haven't had for a while. So when I looked around at my chaotic surroundings it seemed a big clue that it was time for another retreat.  I don't want to live in spiritual or physical squalor. I want to care enough about myself to keep to good nurturing rituals. 

It's strange though that I have the discipline to sit on a cushion for five hours, which is what I did today.  But feel so overwhelmed by some clothes thrown on the floor. 

It was a lovely meditation today.  Many moments of timesless awareness and insight into what it would feel like to be free of suffering.  Relatively very few moment of discomfort, anger.  Some sadness, some irritation, some impatience. But I rode them. 

So what is this housework thing about? 

This afternoon I'm committed to an hour of cleaning meditation.  Tonight another hour of formal practice. 

Maybe some insight will come...