Monday, March 9, 2015


How do I know I'm making progress? And what exactly is progress in timeless awareness? Progress is dependent on time and a sense of time, a self and a sense of self being better or getting worse. My mission is to increase the well-being, emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual and financial in my life. And in the lives of others. Accomplishing this mission depends on a sense and criteria for progress.

So by what markers do I know I'm making progress?  Is it how many times a day I hear messages of compassion over messages of self-loathing?  Is it how well I'm sleeping?  Is it how I feel, generally in my heart?  How much writing I'm getting done and how well my writing is going?  Is it how happy my son seems?  How well we're able to negotiate solutions to problems? The maturity and wisdom we bring to the problems we encounter? How do I know that I'm healing?

Is it just the quality of the energy I feel? How intentional my living feels?

I'm not going to answer this today.  Just mull over these questions this week.  And see if I can answer them next week.

Is it the taste of purification?

Is it joy?

Is it clarity?

Is it my ability to make a commitment?

Is it that I have more power?

Is it bliss and non-conceptual awareness?