Still having some focus problems. But the metal training is taking root.
One of the things I realized is that metal is a symbol of endurance, permanence and commitment (although, sadly, if we really wanted a symbol of endurance we might want to consider plastic training. From what I've read McDonald's happy toys have as great a chance of being around hundreds of years from now as wedding rings. But I digress because my mind is digressive.)
Anyways. Maybe if I work on my metal training I'll be a little less at the mercy of my anxiety drives.
What I'm doing right now is imagining my tan tien as a magnet that sucks in all the little distracted thoughts that keep buzzing around in my brain. Another thing I imagine is having a couple of big axes that cut through the scattered thoughts. Or little blades that quickly slice them into mulch.
Mostly I just try to imagine my inner strength as something extremely permanent. A permanent grounded force that will be there no matter what.