Saw Elizabeth Gilbert a couple of months ago.
She set a challenge to herself over her last book tour to ask everyone she met what they were excited about. The answers were funny, touching, but also insightful. Especially the answer from the cab driver in London, a stressed, angry despairing overworked father, who was insulted by the implication that everyone should be able or willing to answer that question.
When she stopped asking that question regularly, she shut down. Stopped remembering events. Stopped feeling present in life.
I asked that question of myself that evening. It was my tantra practice, in particular White Tara. I want to make this my main practice. I want to see what impact that will have on my life. I want to see what impact it will have on the lives around me.
Other takeaways from that evening. Write to one person. And write for an hour every day, no less and no more.
I'm trying to get my writing practice back. So who would I be excited about writing for?