Read an article today in New York Times on "superagers" , people who remain sharp and vital well into their 80s. Given the history of longevity in my family, I should probably start readying myself for this.
The secret is apparently a willingness to push oneself both physically and mentally. Strolls and suduko are not enough. One has to be willing to hit the "yuck" point with regularity. I'm guaranteed a fair amount of yuck with the goal I have set for myself this year, finishing the manuscript of my book, with or without a publisher's advance.
I do not want to do the work that this is going to involve. Nor do I want to run a faster half marathon. Or clean out all the paper clutter in my home. But I care about that 90 year old woman in my future and she cares about me. She has memoirs to write and a rich creative life to enjoy. So I'm willing to hit that threshold for her.
She's worth it.