Sunday, September 4, 2016


This week I've been working on focussing my eyes. Or rather resting my eyes, and thus my mind while |I meditate, run, live.

It's so easy to forget this simple, but powerful practice.  The mind wanders around as if in a dream, and all we need to do bring is back is simply rest our eyes on a still object: a tree in the distance, a favourie coffee cup, an orange, our hands.

Resting my eyes is the first step, then sensing my body and the space around it, then resting in the outbreath, and finally feeling the inevitable relaxation and flow of pleasant neurotransmitters. Such a simple and powerful algorithm.

Resting the yes on a single point creates focus.  This grounds the imagination, and sooner than we realize, we can start dreaming the dream we want to dream and stop being caught in the random dream generator.