This morning I read an interesting little article on how to curb spending. Look at the space between stimulus and response. Be aware of this space and from awareness move towards expanding it.
There are of course so many different ways one could use this insight: food, anger, information and cognitive over consumption.
I've been using it to some extent over the last week in focusing on recovery and rest in my running practice. I used to just run without much thought to transitioning in and out of running with joint exercises, stretching, using my days off to cultivate a more limber nervous system. I've tried to create some space by having an offline time at around 7 p.m.
My life has become much busier of late. It's good because I have some more money, but it's challenging for that same reason. I have to make sure that this money goes towards debt and savings, not just transient stuff. And I need to make sure that I have the energy to accomplish the work that I've committed myself to. And that I take some space in that work for creative pursuits so that I'm renewed and not resentful.