According to Thich Nhat Han, faith is the first and foremost energy you have to cultivate if you're going to have real power in your life.
When I feel powerless over my life, I know that what is gone is faith. Faith in myself, faith in my society, faith in the path that I've chosen for myself.
I've lost a lot of faith in myself this year. Or rather faith in writing to sustain me. Writing was always my path, and for a long time that path seemed to be leading me to the life I imagined. I saw it as a sacred skill that I had cultivated and that would keep my safe.
Then I discovered standing. I learned that there was an energy beneath writing that needed to be tapped if I was going to write well.
But something in me has stopped caring about writing. Something in me has stopped believing, and without that, sometimes it's hard to keep up my passion for the standing.
At the same time, if I'm going to make the changes in my life that I have to make, I'm going to have to get used to some excitement.
I'm in exciting times right now, with the Maker Faire, and all I'm learning and mastering in technology.
It's good to temper that. But I also need to learn how to tap it.
I don't want to undermine the path I'm on just because I'm afraid of some excitement.