Sunday, June 24, 2012


It's been a tough weekend.  On Friday the newspaper I worked for for eighteen years folded suddenly without warning.

I hadn't been writing for them for six months.  But it's still a blow.

And the credit card bills are getting out of hand.

Power.  I breathe deep to deal with the anxiety of these problems.  And I am grateful that I can breathe deep.

But still I feel powerless. 

I'm not.  I have a lot of power.  I have the power to breathe deeply through every emotion.  I have the power to run 4K without feeling exhausted.  I have the power to throw dough and yeast together and have a meal. 

I have six months of coding lessons under my belt.  In a couple of weeks I'll have a certificate from Stanford.

I have the blood glucose from a good sleep.

I have enough accomplishments to get an agent to look at a proposal.

I have three months rent coming up.

But yes, as I write this, I can see how much the economic stress is taking a toll on my concentration.