Sunday, June 9, 2019

The hormone connection

Read a book in one sitting yesterday that has truly changed my perspective on just about everything. The Obesity Code by a Toronto based clinician Jason Fung.

He makes an impossible to argue case for the hormone insulin as the ultimate (as opposed to proximate cause) of the obesity epidemic. Lower your insulin levels, by reducing sugar and simple carbs, eating less, eating more healthy fats and practicing intermittent fasting, and you'll reset your insulin levels, lower insulin resistance,  lose weight and stop regaining it.  Also lower your cortisol spikes so that you can sleep better and better regulate blood sugar. It's really that simple.

The Eat Right Now mindful eating program that I've been following has prepared me well for that challenge.  I'm more conscious of the difference between real hunger and cravings caused by low blood sugar and stress. I'm developing the habit of falling asleep to loving kindness meditation.  I think I could take on intermittent fasting and switch over to a healthy fat diet.

But this morning, during meditation, I started thinking about all the other hormones and how meditation works to balance them.  Meditation increases serotonin, the hormone of equanimity.  And oxytocin, the hormone of lovingkindness.  It lowers cortisol, the stress hormone that increases blood sugar in bloodstream.  And it increases melatonin, which helps to regulate sleep.

It increases dopamine, the joy hormone, which can help us recalibrate to what really, deeply, feels good.

Apparently it can increase your DHEA, a growth hormone that can reduce cellular aging.

Could it be that in the end, enlightenment is basically the state of having a right and intuitive balance of hormones?