Saturday, March 23, 2019

Nine month check in...

So I've tried to get back into the Zhan Zhuang, but it didn't take.  Maybe because of the difficulty of establishing habits while I'm travelling.

I'm going to answer these questions in the ZZ workbook as a way of establishing goals and staying focussed, and seeing if it's making a difference in my anxiety levels, which are too high right now.

1. How does my anxiety show up in my life:

Usually in the form of personal insecurity, obsessions with things that were said, or unsaid, and worries about my financial and career security.

2. Are there any common patterns you see in the anxiety you feel at home, in you workplace or elsewhere. 

At home I don't sleep well, and have difficulty falling asleep.  I'm too tired these days to take charge of my life.   In work I feel vulnerable, and find myself being obsessive and sometimes aggressive with people.

3. When feeling overwhelmed and in despair:

I eat and watch Netflix.

4. Anxiety is not always obvious to those around us.  If your family and friends were asked you suffered from anxiety, what do you think they would say?

My son:  yeah, definitely.

5. Anxiety can affect our energy level in different ways.  How would you describe your energy pattern. 

I get anxious, default to bad habits, become fatigued and end up in a bad cycle. I also get manic and obsessive.

6. Anxiety can be tiring.  Do you experience a lot of fatigue. 

Enough to make basic tasks like cleaning and meal planning difficult.

7. Anxiety can lead to physical tension.  Do you experience physical tension in any parts of your body. 


8. Anxiety can contribute to sleeplessness.  What is your normal pattern of sleep?

Difficulty falling and staying asleep. 

9. Do you wake up in the morning feeling anxious or in a bad mood. 


10.  Anxiety can lead to digestive problem.  Do you experience this? 

Not really.

11. On basis of experience with Qigong so far, how would you like to use it to help you with anxiety?

I would like to build mental stability and emotional resilience.  I would like to build more stable energy patterns.

12.  What is the main challenge so far in the Qigong exercises I'm practicing. 

Maintaining the practice.  Being patient, and giving myself enough time with warmup and cool down.