I'm on day two of dietary cleanse.
Started the day feeling the usual symptoms of de-tox, headaches, fatigue, muscle pain. And did the usual things to soften them, bath, water, standing.
Then I read something mind blowing. I'm reading a book called Gut: The Inside Story of Our Most Underrated Organ. One of those Amazon Kindle 1.99 things, that makes me think back to that remaindered book on Zhan Zhuang I found almost twenty years ago. It may be one of those books that changes things.
In 2006, it says, scientists discovered a natural pain killer in human saliva, opiophine, six times as strong as morphine. In studies so far it acts as both a pain killer and an anti-depressant. And if that weren't cool enough, it's non-addictive!
This makes so much sense in both my sitting and standing practices, especially in recent months when I've been experiencing what Shenzen Young calls "the taste of purification." I've also known and sensed that the mouth and tongue have powerful nerve endings. The idea that our suffering can be relieved simply by becoming more in tune with our saliva is really exciting.
At any rate, in the last few hours that I've known this my de-tox symptoms have almost evaporated.