It's been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. In Zhan Zhuang, it seems, the feet are like the door. Today and for the next while, I intend to focus on what Lam Kam Chuen calls "the pump."
This is an area of your foot that in martial arts transforms chi from a source of well being to a source of explosive power. It's accessed by shifting your attention from the mid-foot towards the ball of the foot and two triangles that can be visualized with the ball of the foot as an important point. The triangle formed by the ball of the foot, the big toe and the little toe. And the triangle formed by the ankle, the ball of the foot and the big toe.
Master Chen suggests experimenting by shifting the focus between standing on a full triangle created by the heel, the big and the little toe, and then shifting to the smaller triangle created the ball and the toes. The first emphasizes health, the second, power.
Either way, bringing attention to the feet creates a tremendous sense of stability to your practice.
It's challenging. Today as I stood, I foccussed on trying to rest calmly in the energy that arises when my attention is on the ball of my foot. So much natural alignment springs from this focus. The knees are drawn slightly, but naturally towards each other, which enables the hips and the lower spine to settle into a natural seating posture. The Tan Tien then falls easily into triangle with the soles of the feet. Eventually, a warm energy begins to flow. With arms in first position, I feel a stable magnetic energy throughout my entire body.
In two weeks I move. It's a stressful time of change and lots of tedious work. It's easy to fall into habits of anxiety and procrastination. The practice goal this week is to bring my attention often and regularly to my feet, hoping that the grounded energy will keep my mind calm and my power flowing and stable.