Sunday, November 11, 2012


I remember back in CEGEP taking an ethics class and being asked to prioritize my values.  Most people chose happiness. I chose wisdom.  My reasoning was that wisdom was all inclusive, that if you were wise in all likelyhood you would be happy, and you would have all that you really needed.

My path towards wisdom has been a meandering one. And wisdom, of course, is not a value that you achieve and then sit smuggly wise for the rest of your life.  It's a value that needs constant replenishment and there is no wisdom without experience and knowledge of what is happening in the here and now.

One of the ways that I replenish it is through standing.  It's like a checkpoint for me.  If I find myself going off in a direction that's likely to bring me a whole lot of unhealthy stress, then I stand, and I remember.  Oh yes, the wise advocate, the Adam Smith self who balances The Wealth of Nations.  The ability I've cultivated to keep my mind wandering around the world like a stray puppy.  I need to get back in touch with that.

And I will get back in touch with that.  In fact I'm back in touch with that right now.