I keep forgetting that she's there, this inner programmer who speaks to me with such confidence every time I stand. The polar opposite of everything I am usually thinking or feeling.
I stand and she emerges, and life is simple. Just stand, she says, just stand and everything will be fine. Just stand and your energy will grow. Just stand and your vitality will grow. Just stand and you will stay close to your values and strengths. Just stand and your body will remember all the great things it is capable of, and your mind will have the thoughts you need to have.
Keep standing. Just keep standing. That's my voice.
Keep writing is my father's voice.
Keep standing is my voice.
Listen to me, she says. Listen.
You're going to be fine.
Just relax and you're going to be fine.
Chi is the goal and the way. You can't go wrong. It's impossible.