I've been reading another book about power by Thich Nhat Hanh. The foundation of power, the very first building block in his book is Faith. I've been struggling the last day trying to make myself believe I can do things that for whatever reason right now I don't believe I can do. Slowly over the last day I've whittled myself down to the one thing I do believe in, the one thing I've believed in for years. Standing. I believe if I take the time to stand everyday, if I make it the foundation of my life I will have all the energy and power I need to accomplish the things that need to be accomplished in my life. I will have the diligence, which is the memory of what works an the continuting to do it. I will have the mindfulness, which grows out of the stillness of this practice and becomes a natural urge through this stillness. And the concentration will grow out of the mindfulness, and the insight will grow out of the concentration.
Yes I can get up early every morning to stand. But the most important thing in this plan is to just stand, everyday, throughout the day, whenever I need it. Standing needs to be my default practice, not watching t.v. not eating, not internet surfing. Standing. That is freedom for me. That is the path towards everything I really want out of life.
It is the science of abundance. Know that you will get what you need, be deeply grateful for what you have and what you will get.