This is the celebration that is supposed to cheer us up during the darkest time of the year. But I talk to my mother and she is so tired. I find it exhausting too. Seems to me it should be the time when we are sleeping, not partying. Does that make me a Grinch?
But I could use some more sleep. Read an interesting article in the New York Times yesterday about circadian rythms. I've always known this, but the article claims that they will be the next big trend. Chronomotrists, or something like that. People who coach you into healthier circadian rythyms.
I suppose that's what I'm doing here. Waking up at dawn. But going to sleep early. I know what an effect that has on my life, and still I don't do it. I'm addicted to electric lights, televisions, all the things that mess with my natural sleep patterns. I've read that you can lose weight just be sleeping earlier.
Today I sank a little deeper into my posture. This squatting, with your hands above eye lever is supposed to distort your sense of time. And true enough, the hour I meditate in the morning seems to pass much faster now. While I'm in this kind of trans state I try to visualize myself getting really, really tired near eight or nine o'clock. All I want to do is start getting ready for bed. I lose interest in television. I can barely keep my eyes open. Maybe I can hypnotize myself into an earlier sleep time. Wouldn't I rather be alert all day, than entertained for a couple of hours at night?
It seems simple, but until you feel that alertness as a daily fact in your life, for an extended time, then it's hard to keep it up.