Years and years dedicated to standing in one place. So little thought going into my nutrition. I've never thought I needed a lot of thought. I'm healthy. I don't eat TOO bad I say to myself. But the truth is I rarely eat THAT well.
This has changed recently. A little over a month ago, mid July I guess, I came across a recipe for raw chocolate cake. So simple. Just some dates, some walnuts, some cocoa and salt, mixed up in a food processor. I loved it. But more importantly my son loved it.
I started googling raw foodist, and came across the Green Smoothie Challenge. This is essentially developing the practice of blending greens and fruit together every day into about a litre of liquid and drinking that daily. I did it. It felt good. Now I'm experimenting with eating as much raw food as I can reasonably tolerate.
I feel good. Better. Way better than I have in a long time.
In one raw foodist blog, the blogger sheepishly commented that eating raw food creating this pervasive psychological feeling of being connected to nature. It's true. I was walking in the park the other day and suddenly all the greens felt greener and I didn't have to struggle so much to be "mindful" of nature. I felt like I was part of nature.
So standing like a tree has now morphed into eating trees, or their smaller cousins. I'm very curious to see how this impacts my practice.
Which by the way has diminished considerably in the last month, as it always does when I go on vacation.
But glad to be back.